Tuesday, October 28, 2014

fall, we are so happy you are finally here!

 family walks!

 football fun with ben.

 a pumpkin patch after ballet with eleanor.

the zoo is now open! {with this fabulous weather}
with buddy cooper.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

abstract sculpture.

logan's art project last week - a little abstract sculpture.  i just let her go to town with glue and wooden pieces from michaels.  then, later in the week she painted it.  i only gave her color choices in the same color family, so when they mixed together they wouldn't turn too muddy or brown.  this little creation is going to jeff's office to live. 


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

a little family pic...

happy wednesday folks!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

our dc getaway.

jeff and i visited our beloved DC last weekend.  we were helping a friend, steve, celebrate his wedding.  it was also a great excuse to get up there to visit with friends and have a little getaway just the two of us.  since i have just entered into my third trimester {wahoo!} we kept calling the weekend our last "hurrah" before our baby girl arrives.  in addition to the wonderful wedding festivities, it was so special to spend time with our friends that have all become parents since we have left DC and get a little time to know their little ones.  back in houston, logan spent the weekend with my parents and GREAT fun was had by all. 

 the fishmans in old town.
miss jordan: 17 months.

 wedding festivities with the nolands.

 bride laura and groom steve!

 griffin daniel: one year old.  
i FINALLY got a chance to meet this cutie!

 old town...alexandria, va.

miss ellie: 16 months.
with mama katie.


Friday, October 17, 2014

pumpkin decorating.

since logs is still pretty young for pumpkin carving... this year, we had some buddies over and did some pumpkin decorating.  the kids were pretty into it {not a total home run, but hey you win some and you loose some}.  i just got some mod podge and tissue paper and cut it in the shape of circles to act like polka dots.  the kids started the project and lets just say the adults finished them :)

the finished pumpkin.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

fun at the zoo!

 mimi and logs

 ring pop!!

cannot get enough of those elephants - her favorite animal by far.  
{other than doggies}


Monday, October 13, 2014

halloween crafts.

halloween crafts are in full swing at our house these days.  last week we created the following....

1. painted skulls - just picked these skulls up at michaels and let logs go to town with painting them

2. silly monsters - painted some toilet paper rolls, added eyes, mouths and crazy hair

what have yall been creating at your homes this october!?


Thursday, October 09, 2014

prenatal yoga.

i've been taking a prenatal yoga on monday nights at alcove yoga, located just a few short blocks away from us, and it is the highlight of my week.  not only is it amazing to get some time to focus and think on this baby girl, but i'm also getting some time to exercise and clear my head.  and the BEST part is the home cooked meal they serve afterwards that is always healthy and delicious.  the most healthy meal of my week by far :)  it is so very wonderful to chat and swap stories with these other mamas and mamas to be.  


Monday, October 06, 2014

all dressed up.

logs and i got all dressed up this saturday and attended our first luncheon together.  we were celebrating my cousin, lauren, and her up coming wedding to which logan will be one of their flower girls {jury is still out on if she will actually walk down that aisle!}  it was wonderfully girlie and logan pleasantly surprised me with her good behavior.  only had to whip out the iphone towards the end.  jeff snapped some mother/daughter pics before we headed out....

{26 weeks!}


Thursday, October 02, 2014

team picture.

logan's "team" soccer picture.  of who showed up to practice last saturday.  i find the whole thing pretty hilarious as they just do drills - wayyyyy too early for any kind of games.  but logs seems to love it so far and her favorite drill is "kick the cones" or red light/green light to which she has mixed up the rules and thinks red light means go and green light means stop.  she doesn't believe me when i try and correct her.   
