Thursday, July 18, 2013
logan at 19.5 months.
my dearest girl,
you are a spitfire these days. full of giggles, smiles, and squeals. you are also testing your limits {or mama's}, starting those lovely tantrums and totally having meltdowns when i try to change your diaper or simply put your clothes on. i even gave you your first time out yesterday.
you seem to be very empathetic, which i absolutely love about you. you get very concerned when other kiddos are crying or upset. you absolutely LOVE to give hugs and now kisses although we are still working on not strangling the recipients. you are very into babies, pointing out every one we see and always wanting to run up and say hello. when the time comes, i have not doubt you will be a wonderfully loving, caring and helpful big sister.
you continue to love water play and would spend all day outside if it wasn't for the heat or mosquitoes. you are a true lover of books and are constantly asking "more" while you bring me yet another book to read to you. i hope your love of books continues and you can develop a lifelong love for reading.
we love you beyond belief sweet girl and simply cannot get enough of you. you are our joy.
all my love,
I love this picture. It captures her personality perfectly!