Thursday, January 12, 2012

top ten newborn essentials.

this week, little logan is already six weeks old {where did the time go!?} we seem to be in our own little routine now, and have learned a ton along the way.  thought i would put a list together of some "newborn essentials" in case you are expecting (!) or know someone who might be expecting (!)....  and while not every newborn is the same, these ten items have saved us over here at our house.

 {the boppy covered by a blanket}

1. the boppy::  i'm sure most of you are familiar with the beloved boppy.  while i didn't use ours for nursing, due to my c-section, it is a great item to place logan on while i'm doing things around the house.

2.  the pacifier::  logan seems to really enjoy her pacifier and is usually found sucking on one multiple times a day.  we got the one above from the hospital.  i like it the best because it is designed to go around her nose instead of pushing up against it.


3.  the sound machine::  logan uses this adorable sound machine in the form of furry friend {thanks kate!} every night when she goes to bed and sometimes while she is fussy during the day and needs a little help for an afternoon nap.  it has four different options for sounds - logs tends to enjoy "relax" and "sleep."

4. sack onesies::  before i got pregnant, i thought these sack onesies were kinda funny and didn't really plan on buying any.  but, i kept receiving them as gifts and realized how wonderful they are!  when you are changing a diaper about 10 times a day - the sack onesie comes in handy.  and when you are up in the middle of the night and not wanting to fool with snaps, buttons or zippers - the sack onesie wins again. 

5. swaddling blankets::  little logan loves to be swaddled as do many newborns.  we like to wrap her up tight and call her "burrito baby."  we received many swaddling blankets as gifts - such as these {thanks kristi!} and even some handmade blankets {thanks dianne!} that we like to use as swaddling blankets.  the miracle blanket is pretty sweet too.

6. changing pad covers::  before we brought logan home from the hospital, i only purchased one changing pad cover thinking that would be enough.  well, we quickly realized how often these little ones go to the bathroom and how often there are accidents while changing them.  i quickly ordered back up changing pad covers at target so we would always have a clean one handy.

7. moses basket:: sweet friends, sean and carol, let us borrow their moses basket with a stand {great for rocking logan to sleep!}  this has been wonderful to have in our room, so we are constantly not having to get up and go to logan's nursery when she wakes up in the middle of the night.


8. drying rack for bottles:: this drying rack has saved us from all the little bottles and breast pump pieces.  plus it is super cute!  {thanks megan!}

9. bouncer chair::  little logs enjoys a good swinging movement.  we can easily put her in this bouncer chair from baby bjorn while she bounces away and is still propped up to where we can see her. 
10. for the mom:: these nursing tanks have been so easy and comfy to wear for the past six weeks.  they come in a ton of different styles and colors too.

so, moms/grandmoms/aunties/friends - what "must haves" would you like to add to the list?  would LOVE to know if i'm missing some key items!



  1. so good to know blair! i will have to keep these items in mind for the future :)

  2. Nice blog dear ........and nice suggestion about the baby dishes and clothes to be used for wrapping the baby .

  3. Though I am not a mom, one my best friends in Austin swore by the Baby Merlin Magic Sleep Suit after their little girl was breaking free from the swaddle. She said it really helped her sleep thru the night which was great for baby and parents! They look like a little sumo wrestler but if they sleep, that's all that matters. Baby Logan is so cute!

  4. The boppy is great for when they're learning to sit up too and for tummy time! This blog made me laugh because we too learned how important all these items were! The bouncy seat allowed me to be able to take a shower for months. I can't believe Logan is already 6 weeks old!
