Tuesday, July 09, 2013

our out west trip {park city, utah}.

as i mentioned before, we started in park city, utah where jeff's parents have a place.  we haven't been to park city in the summer time {just last christmas} and were wonderfully charmed by this city.  the green mountains were breathtaking, the little main street had the cutest shops, and the weather cooled off in the evenings.  we were able to overlap with aunt becca and uncle chris for an afternoon/evening, which was WONDERFUL!  we never get to see these two as they are currently working hard in their pediatric residency in arizona.  we spent time with omi, but sadly missed papa who was on a business trip to china.

 out to dinner

 mom and son off to play golf



 street fair


quality time with omi


p.s. - some outtakes - trying to take pictures with a toddler is a challenge!


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