Thursday, December 05, 2013

funny story.

well, my mom changed her name.  her grandma name.  she was gram - which was cute and just fine and all, but then logan started talking.  and as with many toddlers - couldn't say words that started with a "g" - she was saying "papa" {jeff's dad} and "pawpaw" {my dad} all the time.  but, no gram.  logan could say mimi pretty easily.  so my mom went and changed her name to mimi.  and now logan calls my mom "mimi" without skipping a beat.  she was not confused at all.  so gram is no more and mimi is the new grandma name.  that silly mimi....we love her so!  she sure does keep us on our toes :)



  1. I have such a soft spot for this... My mom's parents were Mimi and Papa (pronounced Pawpaw), too!
