Tuesday, March 11, 2014

chalk anyone??

logs had quite the fun a few weeks ago putting chalk all over her face.  this age (2 years and 4ish months) is the best yet!  logs is talking up a storm and constantly asking "what happened mommy?"  she is doing silly things like eating her own boogies because it gets a reaction out of us.  everything has to be done "myself" including getting dressed, getting in and out of the car, cutting up her food.  basically everything. and the other day she was talking about "car ears" to which i figured out are the side mirrors on cars.  she likes talking about those "little car ears" when we are out and about.  she is a ball full of energy, love, snuggles and strong will.  and we are so HAPPY and GRATEFUL to report that her pediatric ent is "not worried" about her lump and just wants to monitor it.  we are so very thankful for this GREAT health news!  happy tuesday everyone!




  1. I'm so relieved for you all! That's great news! She is so cute with the car ears.

  2. I'll stick my massive chalk up your asshole baby
