Thursday, July 29, 2010

ipad love.

so my husband got an ipad.  he literally came home last night bouncing off the walls from excitement. my dear dear parents gave him one for his recent birthday and he has been grinning ear to ear ever since he heard the good news.  he even stayed up last night until 1 am playing with his new toy.

so this morning we wake up and the first thing in his hands is his new ipad.  and the first thing out of his mouth is "this is my new best friend."  not good morning, how did you sleep, that sort of thing.  so of course I say, "babe, what about me aren't I your best friend?"  and he states, "oh yeah your my best friend, but my new ipad is close behind you in the running."  

i think my man is happy.  


  1. I'm making this comment from my new iPad. It's awesome but not as awesome as my wife.

  2. Way to go, Jeff! Welcome to the fold. If you want any app recommendations, let me know. I've found quite a few awesome things in the app store.

  3. Oh! I almost forgot. There is an app called "BlogPress" which lets you make modifications to your blog on the fly. You should check it out. There are other blog apps as well, but I liked that one.
