Thursday, August 26, 2010

nats game.

jeffrey and i headed to a nats game earlier this week.  it was a perfect distraction for me from all the stresses of returning to school this week.  as a perk for working at kta, jeffrey gets occasional tickets to ball games.  and the seats are AMAZING - right behind the home plate.  
but, the BEST part of these magic little tickets is the $35 (each!) that come attached to these wonderful tickets.  so we get to eat alot of five guys (the best hamburgers ever), beer (jeff's fav), cotton candy (my fav), ice-cream, pop-corn - you name it....that is until our $35 dollars run out :)

a delicious five guys burger


  1. what's with the 5 guys hamburgers??? i keep hearing they are Fab......

  2. here is the answer: 5 guys and 1 hamburger - not enough to go around; double meat cheese whataburger - that's the ticket; with a nice 32 ounce vanilla malt; but the real question is who won?

  3. Just heard Strasburg will probably be having Tommy John surgery, which would knock him out for the 2011 season. Just when things were looking up for this team.

    And 5 Guys makes a fantastic grilled cheese, tomato & mushroom sandwich!

  4. I heart five guys and that stinks for strasburg! oh lovely brother - in - law of mine....was that you with the anonymous comment above?? p.s the cubs won the game :(
