Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the high heel race.

last night, jeffrey and i ventured around the corner for the infamous drag queen high heel race hosted every tuesday before halloween on 17th street.  the crowd was in full swing - as in we were shoulder to shoulder trying to get a glimpse of the race.  the fun part happened afterwards when we moved to the street and snapped hilarious pictures of hilarious drag queens in their outrageous outfits.  i couldn't stop laughing all night - especially when kevin and keith insisted we get on their shoulders. 

p.s. - sorry for bad quality in pics - we only had our phones with no flash and shaky hands.

some texans....
the boys made me get in this one.


  1. Jeff needs his eyes photoshopped! Soooo Scarrrry!


  2. It’s nice sharing ! There are so many fashion styles of high heels on sale at store online
