Thursday, December 02, 2010

festive art projects.

since i've been working at stone ridge, multiple requests have been made for holiday themed projects around christmas time - us being a catholic school and all.  there is a big difference between teaching fine art and doing holiday themed crafts.  holiday themed crafts should be done in the classroom, by the classroom teacher (in my humble opinion of course).  in the art room, we are studying fine art - art history, how to create using different mediums, art from different cultures, etc.  so it has always been a bit tricky to explain i don't "do" holiday crafts.

well, this year i found a solution to this sticky situation and i'm quite happy with the results.  my first graders learned about religious triptychs and then drew images of baby jesus inside their golden triptychs.

  please note - on the lower right hand side - the blue angels that look like hotdogs with wings. and right above them mary and joseph aka mr. and mrs. long neck.
these kids crack me up.

and some art history christmas stockings created by my fifth graders.

hope you have an art filled christmas season!


  1. I think you had a wonderful idea and they look always! Especially the winged hot dogs.

  2. Goodness gracious! You got fifth graders to engage in art history! That is a major accomplishment. I especially like the "I love God" triptychs - usually it goes the other way around! I guess they felt God was lonely and needed a pick-me-up.

  3. I love the triptychs Blair! Good idea!

  4. great job Boom - you are really turning these kids on to art in its many forms!!
