Tuesday, January 03, 2012

our new years celebration.

we welcomed the new year by gathering with dear friends at the lovely cheek casa.  dear friends who have babies as well.  and we laughed about how different it was than our previous new year celebrations....because every so often the ladies would disappear to go nurse/pump, the mens would go change our babies diapers and everyone got up multiple times during dinner to go check on their baby.  but, the best part is that we have sweet friends who are going through the same ups and downs of parenthood like we are at the moment.  and we are so thankful that we can share this time with others we care about.

the dinner was rockin as well - thanks cheeks!

 {sean, willa and jeff}

 {carol and eveyln}

 {j cheek and eveyln}

 {megan, olivia, me, willa and carol}

 {eveyln and logan}


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