Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9 months.

 one month.

 two months.

 three months.

 four months.

 five months.

 six months.

 seven months.

 eight months.

nine months.

dear nug,

amazing.  nine months in my belly and nine months outside my belly.  it has been nothing short of incredible to watch you grow and develop your personality.  you continue to smile and giggle constantly and your new favorite thing is to laugh at your own reflection in a mirror or even our iphone pictures of you.  

you are exploring lots of new foods and flavors these days.  some of your favorites include: mac & cheese, fresh fruit, spaghetti, and your new sippy cup.   

you are officially on the move.  crawling all over our apartment, pulling up on everything, and wanting to explore anything you can get your hands on.  this new development has been really interesting as we are in the process of moving.  so your dad and i are juggling watching you and packing box after box.  

we have been taking you all over dc to the places we love before we head out.  we realize that you won't remember these special places and special people in our lives, but we are snapping lots photos and hope to tell you about them some day soon.

we love you so very much little lady and look forward to this amazing adventure we are embarking on as a family as three. 

all our love, 


1 comment:

  1. She looks like a doll in her 9 month picture. What a sweet girl! I can't believe our girls are almost 10 months a part.
