Thursday, April 23, 2015

rubber chicken.

logan has this rubber chicken.  when asked about his/her name she says "just chicken."  and over the past few months it has to be by her side her at all times.  at night, at school, to the park, eating, bath time - ALL the TIME.  the first rubber chicken got flushed down the toilet (and amazingly did not clog our toilet).  logan became unglued that she would never see chicken again, so we went to the store the next day to get another one.  (luckily they are $3 at a local toy store)  now this chicken is GROSS.  it is rubbery and nasty and so very dirty (even though it gets a bath every night).  to see rubber chicken in all his/her glory - here are some pictures.

and since these pictures, chicken got deflated and now doesn't have whatever disgusting liquid was filled in the egg in the first place.  making it even more NASTY! 

a girl and her chicken.....i wonder when this phase with end??



  1. Hahaha. This made me laugh out loud. What a great series of pics. Love her.

  2. I love this so much. This chicken is hilarious! Logan is so cute!

  3. Oh she is too funny! The last picture was the best with the ice cream.
