Thursday, October 21, 2010

middle school art: part 1.

here is what we have been up to in the art room....

5th grade: we studied spanish artist Joan Miro and his famous abstract paintings.

6th grade: Egyptian hieroglyphics with some Egyptian symbols.
students rolled slabs out of red clay, carved some hieroglyphics and symbols and then painted with metallic paint.

7th grade: a multi-medium project.
students drew a tropical bird - dividing the paper into three parts.
part one: they learned about seurat's pointillism
part two: played with gray charcoal
part three: oil pastel and watercolor resist
i love how these turned out!

8th grade: my favorite project so far! i'm so impressed with what my 8th graders can do.
students had some fun creating their own version of Grant Wood's American Gothic.


  1. oh! mrs. ainsworth i wish you were my art teacher! love all the work--American Gothic ...-so clever.

  2. Wow....those are fantastic! I don't know which ones are my favorites. Probably the Egyptian ones. I love it when you post those pictures. It's so amazing to see what your kids can do!

    And I notice you changed your background. I like it!
