Wednesday, December 16, 2015

eleven months {nora james}.

my little nora bear,

i cannot even begin to tell you how much of a delight you are.  always laughing, always giggling, always smiling, snuggling, playing, we just cannot get enough of you.  one new trick is when you wave bye bye while you whisper "bye-bye."  we are not really sure if you are connecting waving bye-bye and saying the word bye bye.....because "bye bye" and "dada" are your favorite babbles and you say them all day long, but we will happily take it!  and you actually love to SCREAM "dada." 

our all time favorite new trick is your snuggling and hugging.  we ask to snuggle and you lay your head to the side on our chest and then you check to see if we are paying attention, all while flashing your huge, dimple-filled grin.  it is really stinkin cute.  you have also started hugging as well, especially in the morning when we are saying hello.  so keep up the love sweetie, we just cannot get enough.

you are actually scared of the xmas the tree (don't know how we got so lucky with that one, i thought this year was gonna be a doosey with you and the xmas tree) - but you patted it a few times and think it felt too prickly and want nothing to do it.  so that worked out well for this year :)  

you are standing all the time and we think walking is in your near future.  big sister has been cheering you on from the sidelines.  you continue to eat an insane amount of food, sometimes more than your dad and me at dinner time.  and the one thing you don't like is avocado - the perfect baby food.  books are really starting to hold your attention for longer periods of time, you love the card board ones and anything with a flap that you can bend, twist or turn.

we are so excited to celebrate your first christmas in a few short weeks.  and then your first in the world did that already happen.  we love you sweet girl and are so very happy and thankful you joined our little family.


your mama

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