Tuesday, December 15, 2015


 a few pictures of our FOUR year old....

lovin her shark hat.
wearing it every day and every night!

bday pancakes.
also wearing these shark slippers every night!

 train ride bday tradition.
someone is on a "don't take my picture" kick.

pumped for more shark goodies.

 a ceramic shark (of course).

my logi bear,

how in the world did you turn FOUR already?!  and what a magical age.  not as many tantrums (most days) and a whole lot of questions.  lots and lots of questions and "why" to every answer we give you.  big picture questions like "where do i go when i die" and "where was i before i was made?"  

your love of sharks is going STRONG.  you had your "show and tell" day at school today and all you wanted to bring was your shark goodies....shark books, shark stuffed animals, shark slippers, shark tattoos, shark stickers...the list goes on and on.  your love of super hero capes is also at an all time high.  you have three capes that you choose between each day on our way out the door, depending on your mood :)

you are such a loving and affectionate big sister to nora.  constantly wanting to play with her, get her up from naps, snuggle with her as well as cheer her on when she hits different milestones.  you are very caring and (mostly) gentle with her.  

nothing gets you motivated like sweet treats do.  you will do just about anything if we promise a treat at the end.  currently, this happens alot at the dinner table.    

you are a book worm and will read to yourself many times during the day and constantly asking us to read to you.  we have started leaving the light on when we say goodnight as you read yourself to sleep.  when we go in later to turn off the light, you have tons of books in bed with you.  i hope your love of reading continues sweet one.  

we absolutely LOVE watching your grow my logan maeve.  each day is a new adventure!  the joy and love you bring to our family is immeasurable and we are so happy you are ours.  we love you so very much sweet pea!



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